Managing Diabetes – Daily Diet Plan

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In a world full of sweet and artificial flavorings, it’s no surprise that people consume sugar more than the body demands. It is a certainty that most people cannot repel their sweet cravings, and with no proper diet plan, they end up taking more sugary items, which can cause cavities in the teeth and risk Type 2 diabetes as well.

Let’s look at Type – 2 diabetes, which is usually caused by high blood sugar level. Excess consumption of natural and artificial sweeteners, including sweetened beverages in the daily diet, are also proven to increase the risk of having type – 2 diabetes as it stores excess calories in the form of fat.

According to the International Diabetes Federation, in the past year 2019, about 463 million people were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes globally, including people aged above 65 years as 80% of total cases.

 In times like these, people tend to overlook their consumption of calories in their daily diet. The body stores the fat and gains weight altogether. Either way of avoiding obesity is to reduce calorie consumption or to cut down on sugar.

Cutting down the sweetness in life doesn’t always work out for people; instead, they become more prone to taking sugar after sometimes. It’s better to consider calorie intake plan. To reduce calorie consumption, people usually take 1600 calories to 1800 calories a day or as prescribed by a nutritionist.

Planning a daily diet plan can be a little stress with the time-consuming activity of hunting for ingredients and calorie labels, along with other nutritional elements. People often replace components that can affect health when consumed.

However, there’s no need to panic. Go through our simple and easy guide to understand calorie counting plan.

A Basic Diet Plan – 1600 Calories

Make the food intake routine to 6 times a day by including a snack after each meal. Each meal should consist of starch, fat, protein, fruit, and vegetable portions. Based on the 1600 calorie diet, start planning your meals:

balance food

Meal-1 (Breakfast)

Item Calories
Two slices of bread toast. 138
A cup of 1% fat milk with no added sugar. 103
One large boiled or poached egg. 78
A teaspoon of low-fat dairy butter. 34

Snack-1 (Brunch)

Item Calories
One small banana 90

Meal-2 (Lunch)

Item Calories
One cup sliced Chicken breast. 230
Two slices of whole-grain bread. 138
A side of tomato slices with 1 tsp olive oil. 64
Half a cup of orange juice. 56

Snack-2 (Afternoon)

Item Calories
Two pieces of Whole wheat fiber biscuits. 48
One cup of fresh strawberries. 47

Meal-3 (Dinner)

Item Calories
Two ounces of roasted beef with half cup beans. 338
Half cup cooked vegetables. 118
Medium-sized apple. 95

Snack-3 (evening)

Item Calories
Half cup sliced melon 27

There can be more than one way to manage the diet when not at home, or in situations like partying out or eating at a friend’s or family’s house.

Take a look at Our Next Method

The Plate Method Meal

Indeed, the easiest and convenient method for having a balanced meal is to portion the meal with a plate. This method makes it a lot easier to pick out avoidable food items when on a diet. Consider a medium-sized dining plate. The portions should be divided as;

  • Non-Starchy Vegetables take half of the plate, such as leafy green vegetables.
  • Starchy food takes the first quarter of the plate, such as mashed potatoes, boiled rice, or pasta.
  • Lean meat or proteins takes over the final quarter.
  • With the beverage side, always go for drinks which are low on calorie and sugar. Table water is still the right choice and can save a penny, too.

A Tip: Instead of dessert, go for a small portion of fruits rich in fiber, such as apple, oranges, or any berries.

Portion Size – Measure with Your Hand

Being on a diet and planning to eat outside is no longer a hurdle with this easy technique. Using your hand as an aiding tool for measuring the portions can serve you with two times meal by one. Restaurants nowadays serve a good amount of food. So, if you’re making your way into a restaurant, you can probably save another meal for later.

A hand can help measure 5 main serving sizes.

  • 3 ounces of lean meat or poultry is approximately equal to the palm of your hand. For 1 ounce, size with your whole thumb.
  • Bring your hand into a fist. It is equal to a medium-sized fruit or approximately a cup of diced fruits.
  • A cupped hand is equal to 1 – 2 ounces of nuts.
  • The size of a thumb tip is almost equal to a tablespoon.
  • For a teaspoon, use the size of index fingertip.

Straight Pickups – What to Grab and What to Avoid.

Do’s Don’ts
Take whole wheat bread. Avoid white bread.
Take sliced fruits a cup-sized. Avoid overloading the plate with fruits.
Take cooked or raw vegetables. Avoid fried vegetables.
Take low fat or 1% fat dairy products. Avoid full-fat dairy products.
Take naturally produced seeds and plant oils. Avoid animals produced oil and fats.
Take lean cuts of meat. Avoid the fatty sides of the meat.
Take natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or coconut sugar. Avoid table or canned sugar.

Off the beat, you can usually spot people taking sugar and eating sweets hiding from their loved ones.Taking artificial sweeteners instead of table sugar is good, but putting too much in a cup of tea won’t make it ideal. Just for the sake of sweet cravings, people consume more sweeteners while ignoring the nutritional facts.

However, take a piece of advice to not rely on sugar – free products as they may not necessarily create the impact as labelled on packs. Some products may have more carbohydrate and calories when compared to ones containing sugars. Always read the nutritional facts of products before consuming.

Too Much Sugar – Risk of High Blood Pressure

We must acknowledge that excess consumption of sugar can lead to diabetes, and perhaps is also considered to be the leading cause of high blood pressure.
You’ve read it right.
Excess intake of sugar can risk increasing the blood pressure. The calories from it go straight into the blood without being properly metabolized. Increasing the level of sugar in the blood may give a person a heart attack. Avoid excess intake of sugar at all costs.  

Healthy Takeaway

The calorie count, plate method, and portion size can aid in creating a balanced diet. With the help of these, instead of gaining weight and becoming obese, track your daily intake of calories.

Are you ready to plan your diet? Go through these methods and count your daily calorie intake. Also, refer to a nutritionist to adjust intake according to your weight and height.