How Do I Change My Habits – 5 Essential Steps to Groom Your Personality

In today’s world, people quickly adopt multiple habits. Without acknowledging if it is good or bad, they tend to acquire them somehow. So, the real question arises ‘How do I change my habits.’ It may seem like a general self-demand. However, no one can change without adequately identifying the habit and nature.
“Rewards are powerful because they satisfy cravings”-Charles Duhigg. In a book of ‘The Power of Habit‘, he writes that there can be three essential points to change a habit.

  • Cue
  • Routine
  • Reward

These maintain the 3-step questionnaire. Once you recognize the answers, the easier it is to move forward.

  1. What sparked the habit?
  2. What do you carry out as a habit?
  3. And What do you get afterward?

By this, you can easily identify the root cause. Besides, it is easy to take steps one by one. Changing your personality or habit can be a time-consuming challenge. But the reward is worth the wait. So, in this article, you can quickly get the main five steps. Which will help you to Groom Your Personality.

How Much Time Does It Consume to Develop a Habit?

Habits are not trendy. Yet, it can easily be developed with the 21/90 rule. They are not easily changed once adopted. Why? Because it takes merely up to 21 days to build a habit. Yet, the approaching 90 days mark the practice as your permanent lifestyle. That is why it is challenging to get rid of the habit.
Nevertheless, if you want to succeed, then adopt the 21/90 rule. The rule can change your life. You will be amazed. By the end of 4 months, it will not seem like a new activity. Other than that, you will be able to overcome your failures at times.

Here is How

  • Create a career motive or any goal you want to achieve.
  • Note it down on paper. 
  • Stick to your goals for 21 days so it can become your habit.
  • Then, commit the following 90 days to conceal the habit as your routine life.
    It is as simple and easy. Still, it takes a proper commitment until the end.

Can We Change Our Habits?

As easy as habits are adopted, the more difficult they are to change. To change, first, we have to find its root cause. The more you know about the habit, the more stress-free it’s to eliminate. Though, the easiest way to change your habit is to find its replacement. 

But the real concern remains undiscovered. Like how do we become so well-off with new habits?
In any case, most of the habits are either adopted because of boredom or as a replacement. You can never imagine yourself becoming used to a new habit. Anyhow, It happens all of a sudden. But then again, if one thinks that it’s not healthy, then they should replace it.

Finding more strong interests and adopting them as habits is difficult. It takes courage and will to change them because they are eventually habits. Anyway, identifying its cause can help a lot. Once you know what is attracting you towards this will help equally in changing things.
So yes, we can change our habits with time and dedication.

5 Steps to Groom Your Personality by Changing your Habit

A good Personality is what attracts people. You, in fact, demonstrate your personality while carrying out routine habits. If truth be told, nobody is willing to take a look at your place. But if they catch you with any of bad habit, that you actually possess. You can quickly lose your personality upfront.

As a result, you might feel frustrated and rude to others.
So, why not change your habits? Besides, you can actually find more exciting things to do while replacing your existing habits. Let us see how you can change your habits.

1. Identify the Root Cause

Usually, people don’t acknowledge how and when they adopt a new habit. From adapting to getting used to it, they don’t realize the factors. So, in that case, start by listing down your routine habits.
Genuinely, sometimes writing stuff down helps a lot. Make a list of your habits that you think are unhealthy, and you should be getting rid of them. It will help you to determine the underlying cause. It will make your mind to become aware of your surroundings. Besides, it will remain in your head so that you will take a keen observation of yourself.

Sooner or later, you will find the actual cause. Subsequently, change your environment. Try to surround yourself more with people that can help you to get rid of these habits. The environment has a significant role in one’s life. So, it is as vital as to deal with the real cause.


2. Visualize a Happy Life

Creating an overview of your success helps incredibly. This way, You put your priorities to upfront. If you find yourself struggling to accomplish a task, then take this new habit. It can help you change your habit.

Start with your career achievement plan. Visualize a happy life. Make notes on how it is going to reward you and your family.  Once you find the leading factor, make it your goal. Put up a list of to-do things to achieve the goal. Afterward, consider the factors you need to change in your life. Build a new habit accordingly. Do it for 21/90 days. In the end, Gladly Wait for your rewards. Thus, the utter rush of happiness will ultimately become the source of a new habit. This is how you can change your habit easily.

Happy Life

3. Replace the Habit

The intermediate step to change your habit is to find an alternative. Try to overcome your bad habits with good ones. If you are a sweet tooth person that likes to have at least two cookies after each meal, Replace the habit. Instead of artificial sugary food, Find a sugar-free one. Adapting to a new habit will keep your cravings satisfied.
Also, it won’t harm your health anymore.

Occasionally, one has to deal with the leading cause of the habit. Suppose it is adopted in boredom, then it’s quite simple.  You just have to find its replacement. So, you can quickly get rid of the previous one.

4. Devote Your Time In Learning New Habit

When you allow your time to do the opposite of what you actually do, you can exclude it easily.

  • If you find yourself eating junk food late at night, Change it.
  • If you frequently drink carbonated water, go for fruit juices.

Try to keep yourself busy doing other activities. So, you can avoid such habits. Devote your time in learning a new habit. Not having time to practice something will loosen your bond. After some time, you will be satisfied with the results.
However, give yourself enough time to practice. Also, adopt things that are healthy for your mindset as well as productive.


5. Go Along a Well-Wisher

How do you change your habit depends upon your willingness.
Sometimes, getting some friends or having a great bond with family advantages one to replace the habit. Indeed, go along a well-wisher. Give time to your well-wishers. So, your time is spent well. Despite your work, make sure to allot time speaking your goals with them. This way, you can also get to know yourself better.

Its Alright to Fail at Times

Making new friends, habits, or something you have not done before can be a hassle. You can put your 100% effort. Still, you can fail. There are possible chances of you easily getting demotivated. But it’s all right to fail at times.

Nobody has a perfect balance over life. However, failure can lower your self-confidence at a glance. Yet, it can be so beneficial for you. You can easily understand the failure grounds. So, whether you fail or do not succeed, keep trying. Take a deep breath and consider what turned wrong.

Above and beyond, you will learn more about yourself. Failure ultimately becomes stepping stones for your accomplishments. So, don’t regret it. After all, this is also a phase of how you can change your habit.



In conclusion, we unknowingly develop multiple habits. Either it is a personality-oriented or routine habit, we always need to seek grooming. How you can change your habit still has a time devoting challenge. Changing your habit can become interesting if you follow the five core steps. Eventually, you will fail now and then. But again, you will learn more about yourselves. Of course, time-consuming in other activities will help you change your habits.